Knee Ligament Sprains: Types, Treatment, and Rehabilitation

Knee Sprain Recovery and Treatments in Lake Mary, FL

Getting a knee ligament injury can be debilitating. If you love playing sports or engaging in other athletic activities, knee injuries are dreadful to deal with. There are different types of knee ligament sprains, and it’s important to know your treatment options. 

At LaserLab, we offer knee injury treatments for patients who want to get back to doing what they love. Whether it’s an ACL sprain treatment, MCL sprain treatment, or simple knee sprain recovery, we’re here to help. Here’s an overview of our knee injury treatment options and how they can help you recover faster. 

Types of Knee Ligament Sprains

The joints and ligaments around your knees are especially vulnerable to injuries and strain. Other parts of your body have more cushion and support, but your knees bear the weight of your body every single day. 

When you play sports or engage in intense exercise, your knees’ connective tissues have to keep up with your movements and support lots of weight. If you play contact sports, they can receive a lot of harsh impacts, too. Here are some of the types of knee ligament sprains that we treat. 

ACL Sprain

A sprained ACL is one of the most common sports-related injuries out there. When it is sprained, your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) will usually pop or make a cracking sound; that’s how you know it’s injured. 

Female athletes categorically tend to suffer from more ACL sprains than male athletes. Twisting or jerking your legs in an abnormal fashion can put an unexpected strain on your ACL and cause this type of knee injury. 

MCL Sprain

Your medical collateral ligament (MCL) is on the inside of your knee and is susceptible to injuries from the outside of your knee. MCL sprains often come with a tearing sensation, immediate swelling, and intense pain. 

You may notice a crack or pop with an MCL sprain, but it’s far less common. Bending, turning, and twisting around all increase your risk of an MCL sprain — but we can treat them. 

Treatment for Knee Sprains: What to Do When You’re Injured

You’ll know very quickly if you need knee injury treatment. Knee ligament sprains are no joke. They cause intense swelling and pain during walking and other leg movements. Getting treatment for knee sprains will help you get back to your normal movements. We know you don’t want to cut your sports career short over one injury, so we’re here to help. 

ACL Sprain Treatment

Our ACL sprain treatments are diverse and get to the root of your pain. Instead of covering up symptoms with pain management and other temporary measures, we use laser treatments. 

Our Summus Laser is fully customizable and brings more blood flow to the area of your knee injury. This assists with wound healing and tissue regeneration so that you can get back to doing what you love every day. 

We also have restorative therapies that help you relax and feel like your best self again. From red light therapy to oxygen infusion rooms, we have you covered when you have a knee ligament injury. 

MCL Sprain Treatment

Our wide array of MCL sprain treatments is much like our range of ACL sprain treatments: customizable and tailored to your specific needs. MCL sprains are the result of the ligament stretching beyond its normal capabilities. To heal this, you need plenty of rest, relaxation, and therapeutic healing. 

If you suspect that you have an MCL sprain, we can help you make the most of your recovery. Our revitalizing therapies and customized laser sessions can help restore your tissues and joints so you can start playing sports and working out again. 

Why Lasers Work So Well for Knee Sprain Recovery

We’ve mentioned the Summus Laser, and we strongly believe in its ability to rejuvenate your damaged tissues. The specialized laser technology in the Summus Laser targets wounded areas and promotes better blood flow, circulation, and oxygenation. 

Depending on the severity of your injury, we can do several different therapies to get you back on your feet. Most knee ligament sprains resolve faster than a tear or break in the connective tissues. However, it’s still important to take knee ligament sprains seriously.

Laser therapy directly targets the problem instead of covering it with anti-inflammatory and pain management medications. While these help increase your comfort, they don’t do much to solve the root cause of the issue. 

Our laser treatments have an anti-inflammatory effect on any area that we direct them on your body. The laser stimulates your body’s natural immune response for wound healing and regeneration, helping it go much faster and increasing your comfort. 

These knee injury treatments also vary in intensity, so you can get the exact laser therapy level you need. More severe injuries may need stronger laser treatments, while minor sprains and strains can respond well to low-intensity laser sessions. Combined with our restorative aromatherapy, red light therapy, oxygen infusion, and relaxing music, you’ll have the resources to get on your way to full knee sprain recovery soon.

Safe for Kids and Adults

Our laser therapy sessions are safe for both children and adults with painful sports injuries like knee sprains. Since we can customize the laser’s intensity level during each session, children can receive lighter, gentler therapies without sacrificing their comfort levels. 

Knee Sprain Recovery and Treatments

Visit us at LaserLab, to get started on your knee sprain recovery journey. Book an appointment with us to get started.

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